Kenneth and Laurel Beukelman

Kenneth and Laurel Beukelman

Laurel (Ver Hage) and Kenneth Beukelman have served as a host family for both missionary children attending secondary Christian schools and for post-graduate college students. Additionally, after graduating from Calvin, their daughter went on to serve as a teacher in Europe at a boarding school that instructs the children of American missionaries who are preparing for the rigors of colleges like Calvin. By inviting these students into their lives and supporting their daughter, the Beukelmans developed a heart for both the commitment of missionaries who are sacrificing much to bring the Good News to the world, while recognizing that this commitment often results in the challenge to provide the necessary resources to help their children with a college education. Learning that many missionaries find it necessary to leave the field to return to the states in order to help their children with higher education, Laurel and Kenneth Beukelman establish this scholarship to help offset the cost of tuition and to encourage both the families and their children who are finding their place in God’s world.
