Gertrude LaBotz Crum, M.D. Scholarship

Gertrude LaBotz Crum, M.D., is an alumna of Calvin College who earned a 3-year pre-med degree in 1947 and a B.A. in 1948. Dr. Crum practiced pediatric medicine in Montgomery, Alabama, for 33 years. In appreciation for the strong Christian based academic foundation she received at Calvin College, she establishes this scholarship for a deserving female student pursuing a pre-medical curriculum.

Basic criteria:

  • entering junior or senior year
  • female student
  • pursuing a program in medicine
  • financial need is not required

Renewal criteria: Students who wish to be considered for renewal must file a new application each year and will be given equal consideration with other candidates.

Gertrude LaBotz Crum, M.D.
Pre-Medicine, Science Division