Geraldine Vogelzang Leadership Scholarship

This scholarship was established by the extended family and friends of Mrs. Geraldine Vogelzang in her honor. The scholarship is awarded to students who have demonstrated through their class work or extracurricular activities that they have a commitment to service to others and leadership within the Kingdom. The donors intent is to allow the recipients to provide Christian service during the summer months when he or she would otherwise have had to work to earn the funds the scholarship provides.

Basic criteria:

  • entering sophomore, junior, or senior year
  • cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher
  • must write a report about his/her summer experience after the experience is completed
  • financial need is considered

Renewal criteria: Students who wish to be considered for renewal must file a new application each year and will be given equal consideration with other candidates.

Geraldine Vogelzang Leadership Scholarship
Service-Learning Center
Supplemental Questions
  1. Outline your service experience and total number of hours spent in service to date.
  2. Give a detailed plan describing what an award of approximately $1,800 (exact amount not know at this point) would enable you to do during the summer months, specifically mentioning the monetary sacrifices you are making to participate in this project/with this organization. "Ex: a $2,000 scholarship would allow me to work five less hours per week, giving me not only more time to participate, but the ability to recruit and lead a group to my service-learning placement weekly. I would have time to plan reflection and devotions for the group, which would make service a more enriching experience for me and others." Please describe what you hope to learn and how you expect to grow through this experiences.
  3. Include any brochures or contact information from your service agency (upload copies). Please note recipients are expected to serve at an organization for 6-8 weeks.