Ruth P. Heinemann Memorial Scholarship

Karen Hollingsworth and her daughters, Laura and Anna, through the KLA Samaritan Foundation established this scholarship in memory of their mother and grandmother, Ruth P. Heinemann, a former high school teacher in North Carolina, to honor her lifelong commitment to education, her faith, and her quiet generosity.

Basic criteria:

  • entering sophomore, junior, or senior year
  • cumulative GPA of 2.70 or higher
  • female
  • demonstrate a desire to serve others and evidence of leadership potential
  • demonstrate resourcefulness despite difficult circumstances, such as financial hardship or situational hardship (be a ward of the court, orphan, homeless, in legal guardianship or have an unusual family situation)
  • financial need is required

Renewal criteria: This scholarship is automatically renewable if the student continues to meet the above criteria. Renewal is subject to funding availability.

Ruth P. Heinemann Memorial Scholarship
Supplemental Questions
  1. Describe how you have demonstrated resourcefulness *despite difficult circumstances* (situational hardship or severe financial hardship) and why you chose Calvin.