Norine E. Potts Scholarship

This scholarship was established through an estate gift from Ms. Norine E. Potts. It was her desire to provide scholarship assistance to students interested in studying organ music.

Basic criteria:

  • entering freshman, sophomore, junior or senior year
  • cumulative GPA of 2.50 or higher
  • planning to enroll in instruction in organ. This can entail private organ lessons, group organ lessons and classroom courses pertaining to the organ. First preference will be to a music major with an organ concentration. Second preference will be to a student in another major but being instructed in organ.
  • financial need is not required

If the above criteria are met the following must be considered:

  • first preference will be given to students who are, or who were within the last four years, members of Pillar Christian Reformed Church in Holland, Michigan (formerly known as Ninth Street Christian Reformed Church).
  • second preference will be given to graduates of the Holland Christian High School

Renewal criteria: Students who wish to be considered for renewal must file a new application each year and will be given equal consideration with other candidates.

Norine E. Potts