Harold and Louise Feringa Music Scholarship

Both Harold and Louise Feringa had long careers as educators, Harold in political science and economics in community college, and Louise in elementary education. Louise also taught piano and organ for many years and has played the organ in churches throughout her life. Through this scholarship they wish to honor Calvin University and encourage Calvin students who have a strong interest in music to achieve their goals. This scholarship is intended to reward diligent students.

Basic criteria:

  • entering freshman year (if no first year students meet the criteria in a given year, upper class students may be considered)
  • demonstrate a love for or interest in music
  • must be involved in some aspect of music while attending Calvin University (ensemble, lessons, etc.)
  • financial need is considered
  • first preference is for a music major

Renewal criteria: Students who wish to be considered for renewal must file a new application each year and will be given equal consideration with other candidates.

Harold and Louise Feringa