Micah 6:8 Scholarship

Micah 6:8 offers straightforward directions about how to honor God and live in harmony with one another: be just; be kind; walk humbly with God. These guidelines instruct us to look outward, focusing on the needs of others and acknowledging that our strengths and abilities are gifts from God. Don and Carol J. Holtrop established this scholarship with gratitude and hope, seeking to advance their lifelong mission of empowering individuals society has overlooked, discriminated against or marginalized, and to encourage students who are motivated to work for justice and healing in a broken world.

Basic criteria:

  • entering freshman year (transfer students entering their sophomore year may also be considered)
  • U.S residency
  • financial need is considered
  • first preference will be given to a student who has regularly participated in social justice and community service organizations and projects

Renewal criteria: This scholarship is automatically renewable if the student continues to make satisfactory academic progress. Renewal is subject to funding availability.
