Philip and Marie Huizenga

Philip and Marie Huizenga

George and Sena Houtman had a lifelong commitment to and interest in young people and quality education. Their four children graduated from Calvin College. In 1958 George and Sena helped form Young Adults at LaGrave Ave Christian Reformed Church, a weekly ministry to over 100 Calvin students and their friends who came for Sunday supper, a program and the evening service. Their home was open to students, often far from home, who needed a listening ear.

George and Sena retired to Rehoboth, New Mexico and were active volunteers for 30 years in the Rehoboth Community, including the church, hospital and school. Phil and Marie Huizenga and their two sons, David Huizenga and Andrew and Linnette Gutierrez Huizenga, establish this scholarship in their memory to provide graduates of Rehoboth Christian School, Rehoboth, New Mexico, the opportunity of a Christ-centered education at Calvin College.
