Louis Vos Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Louis Vos taught in the Religion and Theology Department of Calvin College for thirty years before his untimely death in 1995. He is remembered as a dedicated teacher, a congenial colleague, an exceptionally devoted family man, a person of boundless optimism, and a Christian whose faith never wavered even in the crucible of serious illness.
He especially distinguished himself as an excellent classroom teacher and was widely loved and respected by the thousands of students who learned from him. He taught with passion, for he was a man with deep and abiding convictions. His office was always open to students, and he served them with sound academic advice and wise personal counsel.
His interest in the college went well beyond the religion and theology department. He cherished the stimulating interdisciplinary work and contacts so available at the college level. He was firmly committed to a Christian higher education with the liberal arts at its core. His loyalty to the college and all it stands for was unwavering. Indeed, next to his family, Calvin College was the greatest love of his life. It is immensely fitting that this scholarship has been established in his memory and in honor of the significant contributions he made to Calvin College.