James Lont
Carol and James Lont were nurtured in the institutions of the Reformed faith – homes, schools, and churches. This nurturing – often referred to as the “three-legged stool” – instilled in Carol and Jim, by God’s grace, a loving understanding of His general and special revelation and of the Christian faith. It formed their faith and view of life, a life of love and service.
As Carol and Jim were enriched by ministry, teaching, and youth work far and near, the “three legged stool” became like a tripod. Lifted up, the three eyepieces were now more globally focused. As John Calvin promised, God’s world became clearer through His Word. This view is now essential for contemporary Reformed thinking and youth development.
It has been the desire of Carol and Jim that young people everywhere might know the personal joy and effectiveness in society of those marked by sturdy Reformed thinking and action. Changes in world-influencing Western society since WWII and uncertainly in styles of ministry call for research, study, and renewal of distinctively Reformed youth ministry. This scholarship encourages that.
This scholarship is dedicated in Carol’s honor by her help-mate of 59 years, Rev. James Lont; and in memory of her helpful and loving ways with people everywhere. It is designed to assist in the understanding and renewal of a Biblically Reformed development of youth everywhere – so that they may become well-prepared servants of the Lord Jesus Christ, serving Him gratefully, always, and everywhere in His world.