Dirk and Jean Vander Steen
Dirk and Jean Vander Steen served in the Nigerian mission field for many years. In Africa they served at the Benue Leprosy Settlement, they taught at several boarding schools and provided educational administration for both mission and government schools. They also served as houseparents for 15 high school aged missionary children. God blessed their witness in a variety of mission assignments.
Upon return to the USA, Dirk served as Minister of Outreach and Education at Third Christian Reformed Church, Kalamazoo, and then developed the Advancement office of that city’s Christian schools. In 1990 Dirk was challenged to develop and market a Stewardship Education program for the Christian Reformed Church in North America. In 2004 he retired from his ten years of estate planning and stewardship work with Bethany Christian Services.
The Vander Steens continued to have a vital interest in Nigeria, serving in volunteer positions and promoting the development of the University of Mkar, the first Christian university in the Tiv area where they formerly served. Dirk served as a trustee of this university. Dirk and Jean assist the Christian community in Jos, Nigeria in resource development for higher education.
Dirk and Jean Vander Steen recognize that excellent Christian schools depend on a deep understanding of reformed Christian education and the effective training of its leaders and educators through higher education.